Megaplas speeds up its deadlines and optimizes the quality of its products, developing an industrial process for each product
Megaplas speeds up its deadlines and optimizes the quality of its products, developing an industrial process for each product

Megaplas (FCC), and specifically its production department, develops a manufacturing process for each element of the P.I.C. (Corporate Image Project) of its clients.
Once the PIC is validated by the client, our engineering department delivers the technical project to our factories. Then our production managers meet with those in charge of each session involved in the manufacture of the item in question, analyze the plans and define each stage and transformation process to achieve the finished product, ready for shipment.
From the factory warehouse, previously supplied using MRP techniques (Material Requirements Planning), raw materials are delivered to each header session, which perform the following tasks:
- Boilermaking, shearing, bending, welding, drilling and punching,
- Machining by milling, turning, carving and grinding,
- Shot blasting,
- Montage and assembling the products
- Finishes by treatments, paints, coatings and vinyls.
Each new product is preceded by the manufacture of a prototype and its testing phase. In this phase, adjustments and checks are carried out with the objective of avoiding wastage and optimizing execution times.