Supplier Policy

Information on deferred payments to suppliers. Third additional provision. "Duty of information" of Law 15/2010, of July 5.

Below is the information required by the Third Additional Provision of Law 15/2010, of July 5 (modified through the Second Final Provision of Law 31/2014, of December 3) prepared in accordance with the Resolution of the ICAC of January 29, 2016, on the information to be included in the annual accounts report in relation to the average period of payment to suppliers in commercial operations.

Additionally, Law 18/2022 of September 28, on the creation and growth of companies, in article 9 of chapter IV incorporates the obligation to report the indicators: monetary volume and number of invoices paid in a period less than the maximum established in the delinquency regulations and the percentage they represent over the total number of invoices and over the total monetary payments to their suppliers.

Information on the average period of Payment to Suppliers of MEGAPLAS S.A. as of December 31, 2022


  2022 2021
  Days Days
  Average payment period to suppliers 69 74
 Ratio of operations paid 73 75
 Ratio of operations pending payment 56 67
  Amount (euros) Amount (euros)
 Total pending payments 2.823 1.625
  Amount (euros) Amount (euros)
 Total payments made 9.365 8.945
 Total payments made in a period less than the maximum established in the regulations 3.109 2.643
 Ratio (%)  33%  31%
  Number Number
 Total number of invoices paid in the period 3.739 4.361
 Number of invoices paid in a period less than the maximum established in the regulations 785 950
 Ratio (%)  21%  22%