
The Megaplas Group was founded in 1967 as a family sign-making business. From then on, Megaplas has grown and added numerous capabilities to its business, becoming a leading comprehensive Branding company that operates worldwide. In 1992, Megaplas joined the FCC Group.

In 1999, in the midst of its internationalisation process and as a member of the ECCE Signs for Europe joint venture, Megaplas acquired a leading Italian company in the sector, SanFilippo, which later changed its name to Megaplas Italia SpA. That move turned us into the Southern European firm with the greatest geographical coverage available to its clients. T

he Megaplas Group has two centres, in Spain (Madrid) and Italy (Turin). It also maintains collaboration agreements with local partner firms across the whole of Europe.

Today, the company employs over 250 technically qualified and highly experienced professionals.

The Megaplas Group has developed its own work methods supported by an ad-hoc IT system and other technological solutions designed to meet the requirements of both clients and Megaplas itself.